Recycling Update

Published: 24 June 2021

Access for ES&BG residents to the Newtown Recycling Centre at Newbury

Hampshire County Council has decided not to continue the scheme to allow our residents to access this recycling centre nor to set up an alternative site for NW Hants residents. Residents will be unable to use the Newbury centre after July 31st 2021.

The full HCC report can be accessed here:

It is possible that West Berks will introduce a pay-per-use scheme for Hampshire residents but there are no firm plans for this. If this is introduced our residents will pay twice – once in our Council Tax to HCC and then to West Berks. The alternative is a 25-mile round trip to the very busy facility in Basingstoke.

The PC is aware that our county councillors (Tom Thacker and Derek Mellor) and our borough councillor (John Izett) have all pushed for a better solution, but they have been unable to effect any change.

Cross-border sharing of recycling facilities is a national problem and as such, the PC has written to our MP (Kit Malthouse) expressing our concern at residents travelling unnecessary distances to recycle waste. The environmental impact of all the extra journeys across the country, as well as extra fly tipping, should not be ignored.

We urge you to write to both Hampshire County Council (Cllr Rob Humby – Executive Lead Member for Economy, Transport and Environment ) and our MP(Kit Malthouse ) to express your concerns as well.