Launch of Reg 14 Pre-Submission Consultation

On Wednesday 24th August 2022, the ES&BG Parish Council agreed that the draft ES&BG Neighbourhood Plan should move forward into "Pre-Submission Consulation".  This is a six-week period for a range of official bodies to review and make any comments on the plan.  It is also an opportunity for parish residents to see and comment on the detailed plan that has been created from the community consultation events held in September 2021 and May 2022.  This pre-submission consultation starts on Thursday 25th August 2022 and concludes at 1700 on Friday 7th October 2022.

The plan documents are availble to view at this link  ESBP NP Pre Submission Consultation

After the consultation, the Parish Council and the NP Steering Team will review comments/representations and make appropriate adjustments to the plan.  Assuming no major issues have emerged, the plan can then move forward into the formal "examination" phase.  This should complete around the end of the year.  A successful examination then enables the plan to go to a referendum of parish residents - this is likely to co-incide with the May 2023 local elections. With a majority vote in favour, the plan is then "made" and has full weight.

The official bodies are invited to review the plan with this letter.

Parish residents are being invited to view and read the plan with this email and with this leaflet which is being distributed to homes in the parish.

We look forward to hearing from you. 

If you have questions, please contact the team via