Published: 19 January 2021

Summary of responses to the Bishops Green Development Consultation

149 responses to the survey circulated throughout the parish during December 2020.

 (80 from Bishops Green and 69 from the rest of the parish)


 84% not in favour of the development.

               11% in favour of development but none in favour of such a large development.

               5% are uncertain.


               84% think the development would make the village environment worse.

               4% think the development would make the village environment better.

               12% are uncertain.


               88% think a developer should be required to improve infrastructure and provide services.

               8% think a developer should not be required to improve infrastructure and provide services.

               4% are uncertain.


               96% think the roads would not cope with the extra traffic.

               0% think the roads would cope with the extra traffic.

               4% are uncertain.


These results show that a significant majority of respondents were not in favour of the development. The varied reasons given can be summarised as:

·        Environmental impact, including:

o   the management of flooding – already a problem with the River Enborne

o   noise and light pollution

o   traffic emissions

o   site carbon neutrality

·        Impact on roads and traffic management including:

o   safe and ready access to the heavily trafficked A339

o   widening/strengthening of the bridge over the Enborne

o   road layout and speed control in Ecchinswell Road - already the scene of regular accidents

o   impact on Hyde Lane to Knights Bridge

·        Education capacity – neither Ecchinswell School nor The Clere have sufficient spare capacity and local Sixth Form provision in Newbury is under pressure from developments there.

·        Access to medical services – existing GP and dental services are already seriously overloaded. They are miles away and not easily accessed by public transport.

·        Lack of extra capacity within existing water, electricity, sewage, gas, telephone, and broadband services.

·        Access to Waste Recycling – already a problem in this part of North Hampshire.

·        Inadequate facilities (such as shops, pharmacy, public house) for such extra numbers.

·        The need for access to more frequent, regular public transport.

·        Development size – not of a scale and density appropriate to the location.

·        Development in Bishops Green is not part of BDBC’s Local Plan to meet the long term needs of their community.

·        West Berkshire Council would need to agree to fund improvements on their roads and other infrastructure serving such a development.

Of those in favour of development, none were in favour of such a large development. The reasons given for supporting development were:

·        to provide more social and affordable housing in the parish.

·        to apply more pressure to gain better local services and infrastructure.

Zoom Meeting 14 Dec 2020 - 51 devices logged in representing around 70 residents.

Everyone who spoke objected to the proposed development. The objections covered the same areas as the survey objections. The minutes of this meeting are posted on our website.


The Parish Council will use the information from this consultation when representing the residents in future planning discussions.