Catesby Estates Brochure
Published: 09 December 2020
A Vision - Land to the East of Ecchinswell Road Bishops Green
Catesby Estates plc
Catesby Estates Ltd is a specialist strategic land promotion business. Our projects are located throughout the country ranging from large urban extensions to sensitively designed residential schemes on smaller edge of settlement sites.
Recognising the individuality of every site, Catesby Estates seek to work very closely with local communities, key stakeholders and the LPA throughout the life of a development project to create the most mutually beneficial and sustainable schemes.
To provide a robust baseline on which to develop proposals for this site, Catesby Estates has commissioned a specialist team of consultants to undertake a range of environmental and technical surveys. This document seeks to bring together the outcome of the surveys and studies undertaken, and explains how the constraints and opportunities which exist can informed a vision for around 400 new homes and supporting greenspace and infrastructure at Bishops Green. These new homes and facilities will support the formation of Bishops Green as a viable and sustainable village settlement.
As detailed within this document, the proposed housing would be well related to the existing housing at Bishops Green. By reason of the site’s location, any future occupiers would have easy access on foot and cycle to existing facilities and services available within and surrounding Bishops Green.
This document has been produced as part of a submission to Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council to seek an allocation for development in the Local Plan. What is presented in this document is not intended to be a fully work-up scheme, but has been prepared for illustrative purposes to show how development of the site is deliverable and achievable within a sustainable location.
Bishops Green: The Opportunity |
From Incidental Settlement to Sustainable Village Community Existing Bishops Green originally emerged as a settlement in response to military accommodation needs linked to RAF Greenham Common Airbase. Recently, Bishops Green housing has been adapted and rebuilt for the general population and has delivered some beneficial community facilities. However the population still relies on out commuting to access many day to day facilities and community uses reducing the general sustainability of the settlement. Proposed Delivering a comprehensive housing led scheme on land to the east of Ecchinswell Road provides a real opportunity to address any community facility shortages and to form an enhanced level of sustainability for the community. The key aim of the development would be to compliment and extend the community centre to avoid displacing the existing core. The new facilities and homes will allow Bishops Green to have Village status which will bring further social and economic benefits over time. 4 |
A Mix of New Homes In line with Local Plan Policy requirements a mix of house sizes, types and tenures can be delivered on the Site. The proposed mix will respond to local housing demand as well as aiming to deliver new homes which support diversity and ultimately social balance for the village community. These homes will be energy efficient and will be designed and built to achieve carbon savings to help towards the Council’s aim to be carbon neutral by 2030. This will be achieved through building fabric, the installation of renewable energy sources and providing the appropriate on site infrastructure to facilitate electric car ownership, home working and sustainable travel. It is also recognised that the Greenham Common Business Park is a major employer in the area, currently attracting employees from a significant catchment. Bringing new homes to the area will offer the opportunity for employees (existing or new) to locate in closer proximity to their place of work supporting sustainable travel to work options, as well as encouraging new business to the area to match the availability of local employees. Enhanced Environmental Assets The settlement of Bishops Green is characterised by mature landscape features creating a verdant backdrop to development. The proposed development will work within this established framework, retaining and integrating existing mature landscape features, and adding to those features through a network of new planting throughout the development. Existing and new ecological habitats will be retained and integrated within the landscape network, making sure that the habitat corridors positively connect with the wider network surrounding the area. Complementing the existing public open spaces to the west of Bishops Green, a series of new multi-functional public open spaces will be created for the benefit of the existing and new community. This will encourage walking, cycling and recreation supporting healthy lifestyles for the residents of Bishops Green. 5 |
Site Features
Following analysis of environmental and technical features of the Site the following table and plan confirm that there are no significant physical, environmental or technical constraints to developing the site for residential use.
Feature | Summary |
Landscape and Ecology | - Provision of wide landscape buffers to the east and north of the Site will assist in visually containing future development in line with the character area ‘Mixed farmland and woodland: large scale’.
- Landscape offsets and public open space to be provided to ensure the sense of visual enclosure is maintained, and to respect the general ‘rurality’ of Bishops Green as a village settlement.
- Landscape corridors connecting the existing woodland belts to the wider landscape network to be explored to support landscape and ecological enhancement.
- Existing pond to be retained and enhanced as an amenity and ecological feature.
Arboriculture | • Existing tree and woodland belts to be retained wherever possible and appropriate development offsets/ buffers to be provided. |
Topography and Ground Conditions | - The Site is generally flat with a slow fall from south to north towards the river.
- Along the eastern boundary (adjacent to the woodland and pond) the topography steepens slightly.
- The Site does not have any significant geo-technical constraints in relation to strata or contamination that
would impact on the residential development of the Site. |
Flood Risk and Drainage | - Areas subject to existing EA Flood Zones 2 and 3 to be accommodated within landscape open space areas.
- Sustainable drainage features (i.e. ponds) will be located at the lowest points of the Site within open spaces
and outside the identified flood zones. - Existing water courses/ drains and water bodies will be retained and integrated.
- The site offers a number of outfall possibilities which will be explored in further detail as proposals are
progressed. |
Highways, Access and Public Rights of Way | - Public rights of way (PRoW) to be retained and integrated within open space networks. Additional circular footpaths routes will be provided linking the existing PRoWs to provide access to facilities and features in the wider locale, but to also provide easy connections to the community hall and local shop.
- Pedestrian access and routes to be provided to the existing bus stops on Ecchinswell Road. Bus service frequency to be explored with operators.
- Vehicular access into the Site to be provided from Ecchinswell Road via one new and one enhanced junction.
Residential Amenity | • Development proposals will sensitively respond to the residential amenity of the existing properties fronting Ecchinswell Road. |
Sewage Treatment Works / Cordon Sanitaire | • Following testing the cordon sanitaire from the sewage treatment works located to the north of the site boundary will be a maximum of 80m from the works. This buffer zone should be given over to landscape and public open space provision. |
The Design Principles Responding to the technical analysis the following design principles are emerging which can guide the design approach to the site. |
ADOPTING A LANDSCAPE LED APPROACH Creating a network of new publicly accessible formal and informal open spaces for Bishops Green. Retaining and positively integrating and where appropriate enhancing existing landscape, waterbody and woodland features within the landscape network. Forming new ecological links and corridors where possible. New residents will have access to both private and public open space supporting healthy lifestyles. CREATING A COMMUNITY CORE Identifying an area adjacent to Ecchinswell Road that can form a logical community core for the existing and proposed communities of Bishops Green. This could take the form of a new additional community use such as a multi use games area, an educational facility, or a community allotment / orchard. CONNECTED AND PERMEABLE Providing a network of new footpaths within the Site and linking with existing PRoW routes connecting residents to the wider countryside and open spaces. New footpath routes will provide ease of connection to the wider services and facilities in the area and particularly towards existing community/ retail and local bus services. Creating a permeable street network, and through careful design providing a clear street hierarchy to support understanding of place and legibility of the main routes through the Site. Reflecting the recent Covid 19 pandemic, and the emerging change in working patterns, homes will be made technology ready, supporting the ability to work at home.
The Economic Benefits |
The economic benefits of new housing development are significant. A study by the Confederation of British Industries (CBI) demonstrates that construction projects have a significant benefit on the local and wider economy. The report concludes that for every £1 of construction expenditure, £2.84 is injected into the economy. Additional jobs would be created through construction of the site and the introduction of a new labour force into the area. Recent evidence shows 3.1 jobs are created for every house built. The delivery of new homes and the introduction of new residents will also provide support to existing local services and groups, alongside additional spend in the local area. The Council will benefit from an increase in Council Tax revenue and the New Homes Bonus. The proposed development will also deliver a wide range of economic, social and environmental benefits in line with the Council’s Local Plan. As part of the development, Catesby will be providing financial contributions to the Council to deliver new and improved infrastructure. |
Climate Emergency Recognising the Council’s status and policies in relation to the Climate Emergency and sustainability, our development proposals can take significant strides in moving towards net zero carbon emissions by 2030. The following sustainability strategies can be implemented as part of the development approach. |
CO2 Low Carbon Transport The development can facilitate the use of low carbon transport through the provision of EV charging and ensuring all new homes have access to secure cycle storage facilities. Smart Adaptable Homes Homes will be designed for future adaptation and will be able to incorporate smart energy systems to facilitate efficient energy use, battery technology and energy generation. Technology to support home working will also be installed reflecting the recent and emerging changes in working patterns created by Covid 19 Pandemic. Climate Resilient Design Buildings and infrastructure, such as drainage solutions, will be designed and constructed to take into account the long term impacts of climate change including changing temperatures and rainfall extremes. Sustainable Materials Home designs will specify the use of sustainable materials, considering the whole life cycle of materials to reduce the embodied carbon of the development. Reduction in Carbon Emissions Homes will be designed in accordance with the energy hierarchy to reduce carbon emissions below the current regulations with reference to the interim building performance standards set out in the Future Homes Standard Consultation. Design features to be included on site that will support this Carbon reduction include: |
Low Energy Infrastructure To reduce energy use and carbon emissions the development will be designed to include low energy infrastructure where possible, such as LED street lighting and solar powered features. Water Efficiency Water efficiency measures such as low flow toilets, shower heads and water butts will contribute to achieving the water consumption rate of 110 litres per day in accordance with the national higher water efficiency standards. Improving Site Biodiversity Through the enhancement and creation of site habitats the development will provide a net gain in biodiversity minimising the impact of climate change on habitats and species on site. Reducing the Risk of Overheating Homes will be designed using overheating assessments. These take into account rising temperatures and make design recommendations such as building and window orientation to mitigate the risk of overheating as a result of climate change Flood Risk and Surface Water Drainage The majority of the site is located in Flood Zone 1 and the development will include Sustainable Drainage Systems to manage surface water and are designed to take into account climate change in accordance with national guidance. |
Public Engagement Catesby Estates are committed to fully engaging with stakeholders and the public. The following diagram illustrates our anticipated approach at Bishops Green. |
Basingstoke & Dean Borough Council Planning Cabinet Ward Cllrs Parish Ecchinswell, Sydmonton and Bishops Green + neighbouring PC’s - Ashford Hill with Headley, Greenham Civil Parish Local Stakeholders Ecchinswell Primary, Greenham Business Park, Basingstoke Transition Network, Vivid Housing Association Local Residents Bishops Green Community Association Interested Parties Kit Malthouse, Neighbouring Ward Cllrs, West Berkshire Council (Newbury Greenham)
Consultation Techniques Meetings (Zoom/ Teams) Letter Drop Online Surveys Website Videos/ Plans Working Groups Engagement Inputs Support Objective Setting For: The Vision Sustainability Green Infrastructure Design Ideals Housing Mix Open Space Community Facilities |
Catesby Estates plc
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