Catesby Estate – 400 home proposal

A public meeting was held on 14th December to assess the reaction from residents to the proposal by Catesby Estates of a 400 home development in Bishops Green.

The strength of feeling against this proposal has been overwhelming. None of the members of the public who spoke at the Zoom meeting was in favour. The consensus of the questionnaire responses so far is almost totally against such a development.

Reasons for the objections are many and varied and include:

  • Environmental impact (flooding, pollution, emissions, and carbon neutral
  • Traffic management (road layout and safety, access to the heavily trafficked A339, inadequate bridge).
  • Education capacity

  • Access to medical and dental services
  • Infrastructure capacity (water, electricity, sewage, gas, refuse and recycling, telephone, and broadband services)
  • Inadequate facilities (shops, pharmacy, pub etc).

The development size caused much concern as it would completely change the character of the area.

If you have any comments please email the clerk on